Tuesday, January 11, 2011

XX Brace Face Times Two XX

Open wide!
We are going to have a bunch of SILVER at our house pretty soon and no, it's not the kind I get to spend. The boys started the first phase of getting braces. Kyle will get his on next week and Kolt will start out with a retainer at first to help open up and widen the top of his mouth. We figured in the long run it would be easier and cheaper to have them both get them at the same time. I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea to make a batch of homemade soup for the first couple of nights!


The Green Family said...

My nephews just got braces last week! Poor guys, they liked soup and ice cream. Also, lots of wax because the braces ripped up their gums at first. Big steps Mom!

dubb and dawni said...

yeah for straight teeth!!!!