Monday, August 10, 2009

Just Because.....

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? I have been an emotional mess lately and been kinda feeling sorry for my self. Today, Shawn called me at work and I just started to cry. I wish those kinds of things could take place at home but sometimes the faucet turns on and there is no stopping it. I got it all out and gathered myself together and was ready to get back to working when I got an instant message saying there was a delivery at the front desk for me. As I walked down the stairs I was thinking that maybe she had me mixed up with someone else so I made sure to read the envelope first and sure enough it was a special delivery just for me!! Shawn has gotten alot better in his older years with the just because gifts! I think it helps when he has the boys with him because every once in a while they talk him into bringing me home my favorite brand of candle from Smith & Edwards. When the boys seen the flowers tonight they said:
Kolt: Who's are they?
Me: There mine
Kolt: Who gave them to you?
Me: Dad
Kolt: Why would he want to do that?
Then when Kyle seen them he said, WOW Mom I didn't think dad would even think to do that!
Thanks Shawn for sticking with me and getting me through a rough week! The flowers are gorgeous!


dubb and dawni said...

high five Shawn...thanks for makin my sista feel good !!

Unknown said...

Wow, you lucky dog!!! They are awesome. I'm glad you could get a little pick me up, you deserve it.